3-6 months


In venture building, validation is key. This phase thus focuses on testing hypotheses around the generated business opportunities. We use a variety of techniques for prototyping and testing the different aspects of the potential ventures.

Experimentation & Hypothesis Testing

A good experiment rests on clearly formulated hypotheses. Once they are formulated the most risky assumptions should be outlined and a sensible testing strategy needs to be derived.

  • Hypotheses
  • Assumptions
  • Testing Strategy

The best way to test hypotheses and generate customer feedback is using a prototype. Depending on what aspect we want to test, the prototype can be anything from a presentation to a click-dummy to a fully usable application.

  • Click Dummies
  • Low-/No-Code Apps
  • Sales Documents
Concept Refinement

In an ideal scenario, prototyping confirms our assumptions. In most cases, however, the concepts need to be refined with the newly generated insights. Hence, we go back to the drawing board and adapt the parts that need adaptation (e.g. the target customer group).

  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • Business Case
  • Target Group

A good experiment rests on clearly formulated hypotheses. Once they are formulated the most risky assumptions should be outlined and a sensible testing strategy needs to be derived.

  • Hypotheses
  • Assumptions
  • Testing Strategy

The best way to test hypotheses and generate customer feedback is using a prototype. Depending on what aspect we want to test, the prototype can be anything from a presentation to a click-dummy to a fully usable application.

  • Click Dummies
  • Low-/ No-Code Apps
  • Sales Documents

In an ideal scenario, prototyping confirms our assumptions. In most cases, however, the concepts need to be refined with the newly generated insights. Hence, we go back to the drawing board and adapt the parts that need adaptation (e.g. the target customer group).

  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • Business Case
  • Target Group

Definition of Venture setup

  • Venture Framework
  • Steering and Governance
  • Stakeholder Management

Once the venture opportunity is validated, it is time to draft the setup requirements. This includes the necessary organizational structures and parameters like the team setup, legal aspects, governance, funding, stakeholder management, reporting, and steering mechanisms. We align our draft with the relevant decision makers.

Next step Build


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